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Home | Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

SUNDAY SCHOOL – 9:15 A.M.  |   WORSHIP – 10:15 a.m.

OUR NEXT COMMUNITY DINNERSaturday, January 11, 2025 — CHICKEN & WAFFLES, noon to 4 p.m. or until sold out. Eat in or take out, $13.

Zion’s community game nights will return in January. The first one being January 3rd, then continuing through April on the first Friday of every month!

Zion Lutheran Church has partnered with the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank to be a distribution site for Senior Food Boxes. If you or someone you know is over 60 years old and on low-income check out our amazing program and all it has to offer! Click here for more information:


Our next trip is to see Riverdance at American Music Theater on March 2, 2025. Reserve your tickets now- CALL Lucretia at 717-921-2191 or EMAIL at lcapower@yahoo.com

Are you or your family in need of a winter coat?

Click here to find more information on our coat drive:

Coat Drive Flyer

First time visitor? …. Find out how, where and when we worship and more about the church. We hope to see you soon!!

Ministry Groups

Grow your faith, and give back by joining a ministry group.


Check out our newsletters to keep up-to-date on events in church.

Gleaners Group

The Gleaners are always doing something to help raise money to support the church.

Welcome to Zion Lutheran Church

Dauphin, PA

We are a Community who firmly believes in God’s word. Come journey with us.

We are a worshiping community that is centered in Word and Sacrament and sent out to bear faithful witness to our Lord Jesus Christ, while caring for our neighbors.  We welcome all people to share in this ministry with us!  
A special welcome to our interim pastor, REV. GLENN LUDWIG



Traditional Worship Service (With Communion)


Zion is located in the Dauphin borough just off of Route 322 at the Dauphin Boro/Stoney Creek exit (right next to Lady Liberty in the middle of the Susquehanna River!)  The church sits on the corner of Allegheny and Swatara Streets.


Contact Information:

Phone #: 717-921-8111
Email us at: zlcdauphin@comcast.net