Christian Education
The Christian Education ministry group oversees the educational opportunities at Zion. This includes: Children’s Sunday School, Adult Education, Bible Studies, and Confirmation.
Zion Youth
The youth program here at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church welcomes all middle school and high school youth to gather in fellowship, service, and worship. This is an active and ever growing and changing ministry, so be sure to keep up to date with our events by checking our online calendar. In addition to these organized youth events, our youth are actively involved with the church’s other ministries.
The women’s group of Zion actually began as the Friendly Circle in the late 1960’s. The women met for a short Bible study and social time. From the Friendly Circle grew another group of ladies who began to call themselves “The Gleaners.”
Men’s Group
The Men’s Group is open to any of the men of the church. This group is famous for their chicken BBQ’s and pancake dinners. They are actively involved in church maintenance and always willing to step up to other challenges.
Music & Worship
The Music & Worship ministry group works together to be sure that our worship experiences strengthen us and equip us for service outside our four walls. This group looks at the various aspects of worship, including music, worship styles, and special services that will be meaningful and helpful for our lives of faith.
The Outreach ministry group seeks to find ways that the church can serve the larger community. This can look like planning a trunk-or-treat event, or serving a meal downtown. The outreach ministry group is always looking for new and creative ways to serve others.
Music in worship is led by a talented choir of some 20 singers. Choir rehearsals take place every Thursday evening 7-8:30 p.m. from late August to early June to prepare the 60 or more anthems sung during services from the first Sunday in September through the second Sunday of June. It is led by Douglas Bonsall, our Director of Music. The choir’s repertoire consists of classical Lutheran music along with contemporary anthems, spirituals, gospel music and hymns. The congregation at Zion loves this eclectic mix of music. The choir is always looking for new members! Come join us!
Zion’s Church Dinners (A.K.A. “Elsie & Sonia’s Kitchen”)
Several years ago as a fundraiser, Zion started a monthly church dinner (October-April, on the 2nd Saturday). It started out small and has grown into a large monthly social and fundraising event. Famous especially for their homemade potpie dinners–sell outs happen early and often. Thanks to the wonderful friends and members of Zion for all their help–planning, setup and prep, eating, cooking, serving and cleanup. Leftovers are donated to one of the many soup kitchens or Bethesda Mission.